Blog and News on Fitness, Health, Diet, and Nutrition2023-09-22T15:29:20-04:00

The One on One Fitness Blog

Smart Snacking

While snacking on foods that are calorie dense and have low nutritional value (chips, cookies, pretzels, etc.) is generally not recommended, intelligent snacking between meals can play an important role in a healthy diet.

Gratitude vs Deprivation

Successfully meeting our health/fitness objectives requires changing our perspectives, thus creating a “new normal”. This week we will share two more Core Beliefs, “Gratitude vs. Deprivation” and “Acceptance.”

We Always Have Choices

When we develop and practice this paradigm shift, the “in the moment” decisions we make all day long will be consistent with what is truly important to us…being healthy and happy.

Healthy and Happy

Over the next four weeks, we are going back to basics by focusing on “why” we desire to exercise and eat right, as well as how to develop an action plan and overcome roadblocks.


Be deliberate with your pace to get the most out of your time spent training!

Optimizing your Cardio Training

The benefits of cardio training are numerous. However, if not done intelligently, we run the risk of injury and diminishing returns.

Metabolic Resistance Training

While steady state exercise (jogging, cycling, etc.) has many benefits, you just can’t beat high intensity Metabolic Resistance Training when it comes to time-efficiency and effectiveness!

Eat a Balanced Breakfast

Whether you are trying to decrease body fat or stay energized throughout your day, breakfast is an important part of the equation.

Carbohydrates are Key

We asked the experts… is the fear of carbs really warranted? According to our RD and comprehensive nutrition research, the answer is a strong no!


Whether to open/close doors, get the lawn mower started, or bring our grandchildren in for a hug, rowing is necessary for our activities of daily living.


We all occasionally overeat, and anxiety about food and weight can make mealtime seem especially stressful and out of control.  This week we will discuss ways to eat in a mindful and satisfying manner.

Purposeful Walking

A long walk taken at a comfortable pace is great for relieving stress, clearing the mind, and taking time for yourself. By being intentional about gait, pace, and overall intensity, you can get more out of your walk!

“Give Back” Raises over Half a Million Dollars for CVIM and YSB!

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: One on One donates over $61,000 in 2021 and exceeds the half-million mark in donations to Centre Volunteers in Medicine and the Youth Service Bureau through its “Give Back” initiative. 1/12/22 State College, Pa. One on One, 424 W. Aaron Drive, State College, Pa., is pleased to announce it raised $61,870 through its “Give Back” initiative in 2021, and over a half-million dollars since its inception in 2009. In addition to special events and direct donations from One on One, “Give Back” provides One on One’s clients the opportunity to pay for certain services by making a donation to one of its chosen charities, either the Youth Service Bureau or Centre Volunteers in Medicine. "Having the support of One on One [...]

Maintain “I”

This week, we continue our focus on proper form by describing one of our favorite postural cues, Maintain “I”.

3D Matrix Training

To maximize our ability to function at the highest level, we must train our bodies in 3D. Matrix training is built around this concept.

Defining Your “Why”

Though short-term objectives can motivate you to start an exercise program or cross specific hurdles, it is the more meaningful, long-term objectives that will help you sustain a healthy lifestyle forever.

Less is More

When most of us consider weight loss and dieting, we want to start big. However, thirty years of helping people realize their health and fitness goals at One on One has shown us that fad diets and other extreme changes don’t work for the long term. They may help you lose weight, but they won’t provide the lasting, meaningful weight loss that most are looking for.

Healthy Eating on a Budget: Produce

The USDA recommends that half our plate be fruits and/or vegetables at every meal. To meet this recommendation, we need to fill our shopping carts with produce… and do so without breaking the bank!


What is your mind “set” on when you walk into the gym? Having a positive and focused mindset significantly impacts a successful fitness program.

Enjoy your HEALTHY weekend

There are a variety of reasons why the weekends pose unique challenges. Check out our strategies to maximize your weekend!

Indoor Cycling

Indoor cycling is one of the most effective modes of endurance training. Combining purposeful indoor cycling workouts with good nutrition and strength training is a solid recipe for improved body composition and fitness.

Nutrition for Performance

No matter your goals, it is essential to have enough energy from food to perform during exercise, so consuming the right nutrients to replenish used energy as well as repair and build muscle after exercise cannot be overlooked.

Footwear for Fitness

What must you consider when choosing footwear for fitness? The answer lies in understanding how our feet function and how various types of athletic shoes affect that function.

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