With One on One’s TRX Challenge coming up in July, it’s time to get prepared! The TRX Suspension Trainer combines bodyweight resistance training with multi-planar movement patterns to stimulate improvements in core stability, strength, flexibility, and balance. We consider it to be the single most versatile and effective piece of exercise equipment available.

The TRX is unparalleled when it comes to the following three training concepts:

Core training. 

Your center of gravity is located just above your hips along the midline of your body. TRX training is designed to intentionally displace your center of gravity, activating your core musculature during every exercise to help stabilize and balance the body.

Pulling exercises.

TRX pulling exercises allow you to train all of the muscles involved with pulling (back, biceps, shoulders, traps, forearms, glutes and hamstrings) at once, so you’re working your entire posterior chain. For example, while a standard seated row engages the muscles in your back, a TRX row engages your entire body to maintain form during the row.

Unilateral training.

Many injuries are due to muscular imbalances. Unilateral training (single arm or leg) is important to help identify and strengthen muscular imbalances and/or weakness. In addition to intelligent corrective exercise, a simple way to avoid muscular imbalance is to perform unilateral training.

The TRX is also a great tool for movement prep, recovery and regeneration, and flexibility training. The versatility of the TRX allows us to get a great workout whether at home, on vacation or traveling for work.

All populations can use the TRX because it is simple to increase or decrease the difficulty of any given exercise. When training with the TRX, remember the following points:john-trx-square

  • Modify your body angle: Create a steeper body angle by moving your feet towards the anchor point to make most standing exercises more challenging (and vice versa).
  • Change your base of support: Widen or offset your stance to decrease the difficulty. A single leg or narrow stance will increase the difficulty.
  • Maintain tension: Keep the TRX straps tense to ensure the exercise is performed safely and effectively.

Contact us if you’d like to learn more about implementing fun new TRX exercises into your routine. Also, click here to learn more about the TRX Challenge, beginning Monday, July 10th, 2017!