
When we think of exercising, we too often think in terms of modalities; running, weightlifting, biking, etc. What we really should be focusing on is the protocol we use to implement these different modalities. High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) is the most effective, time-efficient protocol one can use to get/stay lean and improve their fitness.

The Key to HIIT is the work-to-rest ratio.

A HIIT program consists of high intensity exercise followed by a rest interval. The most important component of a HIIT training program is the work-to-rest ratio, which is determined by your work capacity. Your high intensity work should range from 80%-100% of maximal exertion and can last anywhere from 6 seconds to 4 minutes. Rest periods can consist of passive recovery (i.e. very little movement/light stretching) or active recovery (i.e. bodyweight exercises).

HIIT is a highly effective weight loss protocol.

In comparison to steady state endurance exercise, studies (Perry et al. 2008) have shown that fat oxidation, or fat burning, is significantly higher after 6 weeks of HIIT training. Another study (Talanian et al. 2007), showed similar results, but in an even shorter time frame. Studies have also shown that HIIT’s effect on EPOC makes it an even more powerful fat burner compared to steady state training.

HIIT is versatile.

Since the tools and exercise options are endless, you can perform HIIT training anytime, anywhere. Below are a few examples of what you can use to develop a HIIT program:

  • Bodyweight exercises (i.e. push-ups, squat jumps, lunge variations, etc.)
  • Resistance bands
  • Medicine balls
  • Battle ropes
  • Dumbbells or Kettlebells
  • Cardiovascular equipment (i.e. treadmill, bike, rower, etc.)
  • Running and cycling (incorporate sprints)

HIIT programs clearly provide more bang for your exercise buck. Why spend 60+ minutes exercising when you can get better results from 30 minutes? Don’t misunderstand us…steady state exercise (jogging, cycling, etc.) has many benefits, particularly for our mental health. A long run in the country is often just what the doctor ordered! But when it comes to time-efficiency and effectiveness, you can’t beat HIIT training.