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By The One on One Team

Last Updated: 11/5/23

At One on One, we stress the importance of building accountability into your fitness and nutrition commitments. This week, we dive deeper into the topic of accountability, sharing our strategies for receiving and extending accountability.

We most often think of accountability in terms of receiving accountability (i.e. being held accountable). But accountability is also about helping others by holding them accountable. Participating in a system of reciprocal accountability can be extremely rewarding and ultimately helps to ensure success in all facets of our lives.

With a reliable system of accountability in place, we can receive the support and motivation necessary to change habits and realize our goals. Unfortunately, many of us shy away from asking for help due to a fear of failure. If no one knows what we are trying to accomplish, no one will know if we fail. Some insist on single-handed combat as they work toward their goals…whether it works or not. Perhaps our pride will suffer no damage, but are we really happier?

So how do we become accountable?

  • Create a system to detail your goals, strategies and commitments. There are many tools (calendar reminders, email, apps, planners, etc.) available to track behaviors consistent with your goals.
  • Set deadlines and share these with others.
  • Request formal mentoring with a supervisor, colleague, friend, family member or personal trainer! Ask them to periodically check in with you and your progress.

When making commitments, setting goals, and creating systems of accountability, the key is to be realistic. Less is more when it comes to goal setting. When you commit to being held accountable, make sure you can follow through. Success breeds more success!

How do you hold others accountable?

Holding others accountable can be extremely rewarding. It not only shows you care, but also allows you to participate in another’s success. Holding others accountable starts by simply asking them if you can help. If a friend, family member, or colleague is struggling with an issue, offer to help hold them accountable to their action plan. If they want your help, follow through consistently. Honor your commitment.

For this week and moving forward, reflect on what you are trying to accomplish in all areas of your life. Are you satisfied with your progress? If so, great! Keep going. If not, consider creating a system of accountability to keep you on track. Also, think about those who count on you to provide mentorship and accountability, and be sure you are keeping up your end of the bargain.